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Government Training on Gender (GO GENDER)

 Author: Women and Development Program (WDP)  Category: Project Proposals  Pages: 18  Language: English

The Women and Development Program of the College of Social Work and Community Development has as one of its objectives the provision of “a holistic and comprehensive perspective to the study of women and development, particularly in the context of the Third World and the Philippines,” to “development workers, both male and female, who will be able to enhance their tasks as organizers, trainers, researchers, and extension workers in general by situating their activities in the context of feminist and development theories.”

The WDP not only trains students in formal education but also addresses the needs of individuals and institutions that wish to develop special curricula, training modules, and projects in line with its objectives. The development of WDP Learning Modules for Development Workers in Government, as proposed here, is projected to have far-reaching effects in the implementation of the PDFW through the training of key government development workers or trainers, who will later be in charge of echoing the training to lower-level government agencies all the way down to the local government level. The training will equip the students with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of development work within the PDPW perspective of women’s development.