College of Social Work and Community Development Library

CSWCD Aklatan

Reader's Area

Our dedicated reading and study area offers more than 6 tables located throughout the library for your comfort. Feel free to bring your water tumblers or bottles while you enjoy this space, though we kindly ask that no food be consumed here. Additionally, both students and faculty are welcome to utilize electrical outlets for their devices.

Information Desk

The information desk provides answers to queries of students, faculty, and other users. It holds the student’s library records which is maintained and updated every semester. This is also where student can go when borrowing and returning books.

Gender and Development (GAD) Corner

The CSWCD Library stands in support of Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality through our Women and Gender Development section. Here, students find a diverse collection of resources, from articles to books, fostering understanding and advocating for women's empowerment. Covering topics like the wage gap and societal norms, our materials offer a comprehensive exploration of gender dynamics, inviting individuals to deepen their awareness and contribute to ongoing dialogue on gender equality.

To check our full collection, please visit our Women and Gender Studies Collection page

Al Fresco Reading Area

A unique space designed for open-air reading and relaxation located just outside the library. Discover a serene environment with seating arrangements thoughtfully provided for your comfort.


The Cybernook is a designated space within the library that serves as a functional area for various academic tasks. It is equipped for researching, completing assignments, essays, and other academic requirements. Additionally, the Cybernook accommodates online classes, providing a suitable environment for virtual learning activities.

Discussion Rooms

Our library proudly offers two well-equipped discussion rooms, exclusively available for students and faculty. These dedicated spaces provide the ideal setting for productive conversations and group study sessions. To make the most of these rooms, simply secure your spot by booking an appointment or reservation. Elevate your academic discourse in an environment designed for focused interaction and meaningful exchange.

DSD Reading Room

Designed to serve both students and faculty members of the Doctor of Social Development Program.

Recreational Lounge

An area in the library where you can relax, read books, play games, and engage in creative activities. It's a space designed for leisure and enjoyment.