College of Social Work and Community Development Library
“To provide access to the library resources, facilities and services needed by the members of the higher education community for the successful pursuit of academic programs.” (CSWCD Manual of Operations, February 2015 Final Version)
To be recognized as the premier academic and research library in the region in terms of library resources and quality of information services. (Citizen’s Charter 2016, University Library Diliman)
The CSWCD Library aims to:
Meet the legitimate needs and demands of all their patrons, specifically the faculty and students;
To stimulate and encourage students to develop lifelong habits of good reading, study and research;
To provide library materials adequate for the clientele’s needs and purposes and making them easily accessible to patrons;
To develop a live and growing collection of books, periodicals, pamphlets, multimedia materials and other resources which are carefully selected and developed based on the philosophy and objectives of the college, the nature of the curriculum, the needs for research materials and the range of services required by the users;
To provide our students with access to research databases and online publications subscribed to by the University Library and ensure that they could explore, discover and avail the innovations in information and communication technology to become effective users of information and ideas.
The College of Social Work and Community Development Library opened in the first semester of the academic year 1972-1973. The library was then located at the Pavilion 2 Room 26 of the then Institute of Social Work and Community Development building. Its collection included 2,168 volumes of books, 121 pamphlets, 134 volumes of bound periodicals, 43 volumes of thesis and 21 serial titles. It was manned by one full time library staff who was assisted by four part time assistants (Zenaida M. Galang, Evaluation of the collection of the Institute of Social Work and Community Development Library, University of the Philippines. Unpublished thesis, UP Diliman, 1981).
Presently, the Library is located at the Ground Floor of the College of Social Work and Community Development Building. Its holdings has grown to include 18,000+ volumes of books, electronic databases, 355 volumes of theses and dissertations, print and electronic periodicals, audio-visual materials, vertical files and various special collections. The library is managed by a head librarian detailed from the University Library who is assisted by three full time staff.
The CSWCD Library serves to the fullest extent possible to the programs of the UP CSWCD, implement the purposes of the general programs and support its specific educational objectives with the needed resources, facilities and services.